This article is for Courseware instructors and administrators who want to copy, share, edit, or archive a Courseware Course. All these options are available from the drop-down menu to the right of each course listing.
Make a course copy (no LMS integration)
If you have a Courseware course you would like to reuse in a future semester or additional section, follow these steps to make a copy:
- Log into Courseware
- On the main Courseware Dashboard find the course you want to copy.
- To the right of the course name is a drop-down menu. Select it and choose Make a Copy
- Complete the prompts, reset dates as needed and the copy will appear in the Courseware Dashboard
Make a course copy (LMS integration)
If you have a Courseware course that is Canvas integrated and you would like to reuse it in a future semester or additional section, follow the steps in this video to make a copy:
If you copied the course in Canvas without following the steps in the video above, students will get an error when launching assignments because the links to Courseware are incomplete. Here are the steps to fix this:
- Log in to Canvas
- Navigate to the Canvas course with reported broken links
- In the Course Navigation click Assignments
- Find any Courseware assignments and click the Options icon (might be easiest to delete VB folders)
- Click Delete
- Confirm Delete
- Click OK
- Navigate to Courseware (
- Navigate to the Courseware course that is linked to the Canvas course in question
- Select Bulk Editing
- Select individual assignments to deploy to Canvas. Select the "Deploy to Canvas" button under the Bulk Editing tool, then "Sync Assignments".
The assignments within the Canvas course should be working correctly now. If you continue to have an issue, contact
Edit a copied course
To use a copied course some settings need to be addressed:
- Copied courses keep the same number of days between assignment due dates as were in the original course.
- Copied courses will have all assignment saved as drafts
- Copying a course only copies the assignments and other course materials. No student information or course enrollment is included in the copy,
To review the items that need to be reviewed before inviting students to a copied course:
- Access the Edit Course Info option in the drop-down menu to change the course logo, dates, time zone, etc.
- Use the bulk editing tool to make editing faster. Manually edit due dates in the copied course to account for holidays, professional days, or any other days off over the timeline of your course.
Edit a VB correlated course
Instructor and Administrator Courseware accounts come preloaded with a few premade courses; more courses are available from the VB website Courses page. If the desired course is correlated to a popular textbook, there are three steps we recommend to prepare and publish the course to students:
- Edit the generic course information to match the course you are teaching
- Open the course.
Each chapter in the correlated textbook has a corresponding chapter folder in the correlation. Use the three-dot menu for individual folders to delete any chapters not covered in the course.
- Review the chapters that will be part of the course.
Each chapter has assignments that are a combination of learning activities, cumulative quizzes, labs, and common pathology presentations.
Need more assignments?
Browse the extra assignments folder “A&P Units for Regional Chapters.” This folder includes assignments related to the textbook topics but that span more than one chapter.
Follow the steps in this video to delete activities beyond the scope of the chapter, edit the student description, and move the assignment into the desired folder.
Share a Course
If you have a Courseware course that another instructor would like to copy and use, use the Send a Copy option in the pop-up menu to the right of the course. This generates a course link. Any instructor or administration can add this copy to their Courseware account by:
- Log into Courseware
- Copy and paste the course link into a web browser
- The course will copy to the Main Dashboard
- Follow the same steps as Make a Copy to edit, publish, and add students
Archive a course
Archiving a course moves it from the My Courses listing and places it in the My Archive listing in an instructor and admin account. Archiving a course also removes it from students' dashboards.
Archived courses retain all the other settings available in the drop-down menu. To move a course back to the My Courses listing, select Make Active.
To archive a course:
- Select “Archive Course” in the drop-down menu to the right of the course listing
- Confirm the Archive choice.
- Course will be removed from My Courses, added to Archive, and removed from students' Courseware account.