You can access quizzes in two ways: From the home screen, select the icon on the top left of the screen that says Quizzes. All quizzes in the app are accessible from this Quiz menu screen. In addition, multiple-choice and/or anatomy dissection quizzes are available at the end of most chapters at the bottom of the scrolling list of each chapter’s assets.
Anatomy dissection quizzes ask you to identify an anatomical structure within an interactive 3D model. You may need to rotate the model, zoom in, and/or first hide obscuring structures to be able to locate and select that structure (see the “Interact with 3D anatomy models” article in the support forum for instructions).
Once you have selected the structure, submit it as the answer to the question.
The results of your quizzes are saved in the Quiz section of the app, which you can access by selecting the “Quiz” icon on the top left of the home screen. Results appear in the list of all quizzes in the app. To review detailed results of completed quizzes, select “See Results” at the end of each quiz. To retake a quiz, just select it again from the list of quizzes.