Muscle Premium for Windows Touch (Windows 8.1 and RT 8.1; Supported processors: x86, x64)
Version Number: 4.2.08
Release Date: June 15, 2014
This app includes:
+ 600 3D anatomical structures of muscles and 200+ 3D anatomical structures of bones and ligaments.
+ Hundreds of 3D peripheral nerves, ligaments, and bursae.
+ Definitions and pronunciations for all structures.
+ Quizzes for the muscles.
+ 2,000 pins that reveal origin and insertions and a painted skeleton that shows surface areas of muscle attachments
to bone.
+ Hundreds of moving muscles organized into 58 action Views.
System Requirements
• Windows 8.1/Windows RT 8.1/Windows 10
• Supported processors: x86, x64, ARM
Here are the content, and views in the latest release of Muscle Premium for Windows Store.
The Action Views in this section are organized by region and/or function as follows.
Head rotation (contralateral)
Head rotation (ipsilateral)
Mandible depression
Mandible elevation
Mandible protraction
Mandible retraction
Neck/head extension
Neck/head flexion
Neck/head lateral flexion
Elbow extension
Elbow flexion
Scapula abduction
Scapula adduction
Scapula depression
Scapula downward rotation
Scapula elevation
Scapula upward rotation
Shoulder abduction
Shoulder adduction (coming soon)
Shoulder extension
Shoulder flexion
Shoulder horizontal abduction
Shoulder horizontal adduction
Shoulder lateral rotation
Shoulder medial rotation
Spine extension
Spine flexion
Spine lateral flexion
Spine rotation
Ribs depression
Ribs elevation
Forearm pronation
Forearm supination
Hand digits 2-5 extension
Hand digits 2-5 flexion
Hand digits opposition
Thumb extension
Thumb flexion
Wrist abduction
Wrist adduction
Wrist extension
Wrist flexion
Hip abduction
Hip adduction
Hip extension
Hip flexion
Hip medial rotation
Hip lateral rotation (coming soon)
Foot digits flexion
Foot digits extension
Foot eversion
Foot inversion
Knee extension
Knee flexion
Knee lateral rotation
Knee medial rotation
The Quiz section contains 55 quizzes and over 250 questions on muscular anatomy.
List of quizzes:
1. Eye expression
2. Mouth expression
3. Nose expression
4. Scalp expression
5. Extraocular eye movement
6. Tongue
7. Mastication
8. Neck
9. Laryngeal
10. Shoulder joint
11. Arm
12. Anterior forearm
13. Posterior forearm
14. Superficial hand
15. Deep hand
16. Erector spinae
17. Suboccipital, prevertebral, splenius
18. Transversospinalis
19. Anterior thorax
20. Intercostals
21. Posterior thorax
22. Abdomen
23. Hip
24. Inner hip
25. Pelvic floor
26. Anterior upper leg
27. Medial upper leg
28. Posterior upper leg (hamstrings)
29. Anterior and lateral lower leg
30. Posterior lower leg
31. Foot
32. Head I
33. Head II
34. Head III
35. Head IV
36. Neck and laryngeal I
37. Neck and laryngeal II
38. Shoulder and arm I
39. Shoulder and arm II
40. Forearm and hand I
41. Forearm and hand II
42. Forearm and hand III
43. Back I
44. Back II
45. Back III
46. Back IV
47. Thorax I
48. Thorax II
49. Abdomen and pelvic floor
50. Hip and upper leg I
51. Hip and upper leg II
52. Hip and upper leg III
53. Lower leg and foot I
54. Lower leg and foot II
55. Lower leg and foot III
Structure in Each Body System Included in this Release:
Muscular System
Pelvis, L
Iliococcygeus (part of levator ani), L
Anal sphincter, internal, L
Anal sphincter, external, L
Coccygeus (ischiococcygeus), L
Superficial transverse perineal, L
Deep transverse perineal, L
Prerectal fibers (part of levator ani), L
Puborectalis (part of levator ani), L
Pubococcygeus (part of levator ani), L
Pelvis, R
Anal sphincter, external, R
Coccygeus (ischiococcygeus), R
Iliococcygeus (part of levator ani), R
Anal sphincter, internal, R
Deep transverse perineal, R
Superficial transverse perineal, R
Prerectal fibers (part of levator ani), R
Puborectalis (part of levator ani), R
Pubococcygeus (part of levator ani), R
Anococcygeal ligament
Central tendon of urogenital diaphragm
Abdominals, L
Internal oblique, L
Transversus abdominis, L
Pyramidalis, L
Rectus abdominis, L
External oblique, L
Abdominals, R
Internal oblique, R
Transversus abdominis, R
Pyramidalis, R
Rectus abdominis, R
External oblique, R
Neck, R
Sternocleidomastoid, R
Sternothyroid, R
Thyrohyoid, R
Scalene anterior (scalenus anterior), R
Scalene posterior (scalenus posterior), R
Scalene middle (scalenus medius), R
Sternohyoid, R
Digastric fibrous loop, R
Stylohyoid, R
Mylohyoid, R
Digastric, R
Omohyoid, R
Neck, L
Digastric, L
Digastric fibrous loop, L
Stylohyoid, L
Mylohyoid, L
Sternothyroid, L
Thyrohyoid, L
Scalene posterior (scalenus posterior), L
Sternocleidomastoid, L
Omohyoid, L
Sternohyoid, L
Scalene anterior (scalenus anterior), L
Scalene middle (scalenus medius), L
Hip and gluteal region
Hip and gluteal region, L
Lateral rotators, L
Obturator externus, L
Piriformis, L
Inferior gemellus, L
Quadratus femoris, L
Superior gemellus, L
Obturator internus, L
Gluteal muscles, L
Gluteus medius, L
Gluteus minimus, L
Gluteus maximus, L
Hip and gluteal region, R
Lateral rotators, R
Obturator externus, R
Piriformis, R
Inferior gemellus, R
Quadratus femoris, R
Superior gemellus, R
Obturator internus, R
Gluteal muscles, R
Gluteus medius, R
Gluteus maximus, R
Gluteus minimus, R
Thorax, L
Thorax, posterior, left side
Levator scapulae, L
Trapezius, L
Rhomboideus major, L
Rhomboideus minor, L
Serratus posterior superior, L
Serratus posterior inferior, L
Quadratus lumborum, L
Levatores costarum (longi), L
Levatores costarum (breves), L
Thorax, anterior, left side
Serratus anterior, L
Sternalis, L
Subclavius, L
Pectoralis minor, L
Intercostals, L
External intercostal, L
Internal intercostal, L
Subcostal (innermost intercostal), L
Transversus thoracis (innermost intercostal), L
Thorax, R
Thorax, posterior, right side
Trapezius, R
Rhomboideus major, R
Rhomboideus minor, R
Serratus posterior superior, R
Quadratus lumborum, R
Serratus posterior inferior, R
Levatores costarum (breves), R
Levatores costarum (longi), R
Levator scapulae, R
Thorax, anterior, right side
Pectoralis minor, R
Subclavius, R
Sternalis, R
Serratus anterior, R
Intercostals, R
External intercostal, R
Internal intercostal, R
Subcostal (innermost intercostal), R
Transversus thoracis (innermost intercostal), R
Deep back muscles (of the spine)
Intrinsic muscles of the spine
Intrinsic spinal muscles, R
Erector spinae (extensor spinae, sacrospinalis), R
Longissimus (intermediate tract), R
Longissimus cervicis, R
Longissimus capitis, R
Longissimus thoracis, R
Spinalis (medial tract), R
Spinalis cervicis, R
Spinalis thoracis, R
Iliocostalis (lateral tract), R
Iliocostalis thoracis, R
Iliocostalis cervicis, R
Iliocostalis lumborum, R
Transversospinalis, R
Semispinalis, R
Semispinalis cervicis, R
Semispinalis thoracis, R
Semispinalis capitis (lateral fascicle), R
Semispinalis capitis (medial fascicle), R
Rotatores, R
Rotatores longi, R
Rotatores breves, R
Segmental, R
Interspinales, R
Interspinales cervicis, R
Interspinales lumborum, R
Intertransversarii, R
Intertransversarii posteriores cervicis, R
Intertransversarii anteriores cervicis, R
Intertransversarii mediales lumborum, R
Intertransversarii laterales lumborum, R
Multifidus, R
Suboccipital, R
Rectus capitis posterior minor, R
Rectus capitis posterior major, R
Obliquus capitis inferior, R
Obliquus capitis superior, R
Splenius (spinotransverse), R
Splenius cervicis, R
Splenius capitis, R
Prevertebral, R
Rectus capitis anterior, R
Longus colli (vertical), R
Longus colli (inferior oblique), R
Longus capitis, R
Rectus capitis lateralis, R
Longus colli (superior oblique), R
Intrinsic spinal muscles, L
Erector spinae (extensor spinae, sacrospinalis), L
Longissimus (intermediate tract), L
Longissimus cervicis, L
Longissimus capitis, L
Longissimus thoracis, L
Spinalis (medial tract), L
Spinalis cervicis, L
Spinalis thoracis, L
Iliocostalis (lateral tract), L
Iliocostalis thoracis, L
Iliocostalis cervicis, L
Iliocostalis lumborum, L
Transversospinalis, L
Semispinalis, L
Semispinalis cervicis, L
Semispinalis thoracis, L
Semispinalis capitis (lateral fascicle), L
Semispinalis capitis (medial fascicle), L
Rotatores, L
Rotatores longi, L
Rotatores breves, L
Segmental, L
Interspinales, L
Interspinales cervicis, L
Interspinales lumborum, L
Intertransversarii, L
Intertransversarii posteriores cervicis, L
Intertransversarii anteriores cervicis, L
Intertransversarii mediales lumborum, L
Intertransversarii laterales lumborum, L
Multifidus, L
Suboccipital, L
Rectus capitis posterior minor, L
Rectus capitis posterior major, L
Obliquus capitis inferior, L
Obliquus capitis superior, L
Splenius (spinotransverse), L
Splenius cervicis, L
Splenius capitis, L
Prevertebral, L
Rectus capitis anterior, L
Longus colli (vertical), L
Longus colli (inferior oblique), L
Longus capitis, L
Rectus capitis lateralis, L
Longus colli (superior oblique), L
Extrinsic muscles of the tongue
Extrinsic muscles (of tongue), L
Geniohyoid, L
Genioglossus, L
Styloglossus, L
Palatoglossus, L
Hyoglossus, L
Extrinsic muscles (of tongue), R
Genioglossus, R
Geniohyoid, R
Styloglossus, R
Palatoglossus, R
Hyoglossus, R
Laryngeal muscles
Laryngeal muscles, L
Lateral cricoarytenoid, L
Posterior cricoarytenoid, L
Cricothyroid (oblique part), L
Cricothyroid (straight part), L
Aryepiglottic fold, L
Vocalis, L
Thyroarytenoid, L
Thyroepiglottic, L
Aryepiglottic, L
Laryngeal muscles, R
Lateral cricoarytenoid, R
Posterior cricoarytenoid, R
Cricothyroid (oblique part), R
Cricothyroid (straight part), R
Aryepiglottic fold, R
Vocalis, R
Aryepiglottic, R
Thyroarytenoid, R
Thyroepiglottic, R
Transverse arytenoid
Oblique arytenoid
Expression, R
Risorius, R
Nasalis, alar portion, R
Depressor anguli oris (triangularis), R
Depressor labii inferioris, R
Depressor septi, R
Mentalis, R
Zygomaticus major, R
Buccinator, R
Zygomaticus minor, R
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, R
Levator labii superioris, R
Levator anguli oris, R
Nasalis, transverse portion, R
Depressor supercilii, R
Procerus, R
Corrugator supercilii, R
Orbicularis oculi, R
Auricularis anterior, R
Auricularis superior, R
Auricularis posterior, R
Platysma, R
Occipitofrontalis (epicranius), R
Expression, L
Auricularis posterior, L
Auricularis anterior, L
Auricularis superior, L
Buccinator, L
Corrugator supercilii, L
Depressor anguli oris (triangularis), L
Depressor labii inferioris, L
Depressor septi, L
Depressor supercilii, L
Levator anguli oris, L
Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, L
Mentalis, L
Nasalis, alar portion, L
Nasalis, transverse portion, L
Procerus, L
Risorius, L
Zygomaticus major, L
Zygomaticus minor, L
Orbicularis oculi, L
Levator labii superioris, L
Platysma, L
Occipitofrontalis (epicranius), L
Orbicularis oris
Mastication, R
Masseter, deep, R
Masseter, superficial, R
Temporalis, R
Medial pterygoid, R
Lateral pterygoid (inferior head), R
Lateral pterygoid (superior head), R
Mastication, L
Masseter, deep, L
Masseter, superficial, L
Temporalis, L
Medial pterygoid, L
Lateral pterygoid (inferior head), L
Lateral pterygoid (superior head), L
Extraocular, R
Lateral rectus, R
Inferior rectus, R
Superior rectus, R
Superior oblique, R
Medial rectus, R
Levator palpebrae superioris, R
Inferior oblique, R
Common tendinous ring (annulus of Zinn), R
Extraocular, L
Superior oblique, L
Superior rectus, L
Medial rectus, L
Inferior rectus, L
Lateral rectus, L
Inferior oblique, L
Levator palpebrae superioris, L
Common tendinous ring (annulus of Zinn), L
Shoulder girdle
Shoulder joint, R
Shoulder joint, anterior, R
Coracobrachialis, R
Pectoralis major, R
Shoulder joint, posterior, R
Deltoid, R
Deltoid, anterior head, R
Deltoid, middle head, R
Deltoid, posterior head, R
Subdeltoid bursa, R
Teres major, R
Rotator cuff, R
Supraspinatus, R
Infraspinatus, R
Teres minor, R
Subscapularis, R
Subtendinous bursa, R
Latissimus dorsi, R
Bursae of the shoulder joint, R
Subcutaneous acromial bursa, R
Subacromial bursa, R
Subcoracoid bursa, R
Intertubercular tendon sheath, R
Shoulder joint, L
Shoulder joint, anterior, L
Coracobrachialis, L
Pectoralis major, L
Shoulder joint, posterior, L
Deltoid, L
Deltoid, anterior head, L
Deltoid, middle head, L
Deltoid, posterior head, L
Subdeltoid bursa, L
Rotator cuff, L
Teres minor, L
Infraspinatus, L
Supraspinatus, L
Subscapularis, L
Subtendinous bursa, L
Teres major, L
Latissimus dorsi, L
Bursae of the shoulder joint, L
Subacromial bursa, L
Subcutaneous acromial bursa, L
Subcoracoid bursa, L
Intertubercular tendon sheath, L
Upper limb
Arm, R
Elbow joint, R
Elbow joint, anterior, R
Biceps brachii, short head, R
Brachialis, R
Brachioradialis, R
Bicipital aponeurosis, R
Biceps brachii, long head, R
Elbow joint, posterior, R
Triceps (triceps brachii), lateral head, R
Triceps (triceps brachii), long head, R
Triceps (triceps brachii) tendon, R
Anconeus, R
Triceps (brachii), medial head, R
Olecranon bursa, R
Hand, R
Superficial (of hand), R
Abductor pollicis brevis, R
Abductor digiti minimi (hand), R
Lumbrical 2nd, R
Palmaris brevis, R
Lumbrical 4th, R
Lumbrical 3rd, R
Adductor pollicis, R
Lumbrical 1st, R
Deep (of hand), R
Opponens pollicis, R
Opponens digiti minimi (hand), R
Flexor pollicis brevis, R
Palmar interosseous 3rd, R
Palmar interosseous 2nd, R
Palmar interosseous 1st, R
Flexor digiti minimi brevis (hand), R
Dorsal interosseous 1st, R
Dorsal interosseous 2nd, R
Dorsal interosseous 3rd, R
Dorsal interosseous 4th, R
Forearm, anterior, R
Superficial (of forearm, anterior), R
Palmaris longus, R
Flexor carpi ulnaris, R
Flexor carpi radialis, R
Pronator teres, R
Flexor digitorum superficialis, R
Ulnar bursa, R
Deep (of forearm, anterior), R
Pronator quadratus, R
Flexor digitorum profundus, R
Flexor pollicis longus, R
Radial bursa, R
Forearm, posterior, R
Deep (of forearm, posterior), R
Extensor pollicis brevis, R
Abductor pollicis longus, R
Supinator, R
Extensor pollicis longus, R
Extensor indicis, R
Superficial (of forearm, posterior), R
Extensor digitorum, R
Extensor carpi radialis brevis, R
Extensor carpi radialis longus, R
Extensor digiti minimi, R
Extensor carpi ulnaris, R
Arm, L
Elbow joint, L
Elbow joint, anterior, L
Biceps brachii, short head, L
Brachialis, L
Brachioradialis, L
Bicipital aponeurosis, L
Biceps brachii, long head, L
Elbow joint, posterior, L
Triceps (triceps brachii), lateral head, L
Triceps (triceps brachii), long head, L
Triceps (triceps brachii) tendon, L
Anconeus, L
Triceps (brachii), medial head, L
Olecranon bursa, L
Hand, L
Superficial (of hand), L
Abductor pollicis brevis, L
Abductor digiti minimi (hand), L
Lumbrical 2nd, L
Palmaris brevis, L
Lumbrical 4th, L
Lumbrical 3rd, L
Adductor pollicis, L
Lumbrical 1st, L
Deep (of hand), L
Opponens pollicis, L
Opponens digiti minimi (hand), L
Flexor pollicis brevis, L
Palmar interosseous 3rd, L
Palmar interosseous 2nd, L
Palmar interosseous 1st, L
Flexor digiti minimi brevis (hand), L
Dorsal interosseous 1st, L
Dorsal interosseous 2nd, L
Dorsal interosseous 3rd, L
Dorsal interosseous 4th, L
Forearm, anterior, L
Superficial (of forearm, anterior), L
Palmaris longus, L
Flexor carpi ulnaris, L
Flexor carpi radialis, L
Pronator teres, L
Flexor digitorum superficialis, L
Ulnar bursa, L
Deep (of forearm, anterior), L
Pronator quadratus, L
Flexor digitorum profundus, L
Flexor pollicis longus, L
Radial bursa, L
Forearm, posterior, L
Superficial (of forearm, posterior), L
Extensor digitorum, L
Extensor carpi radialis brevis, L
Extensor carpi radialis longus, L
Extensor digiti minimi, L
Extensor carpi ulnaris, L
Deep (of forearm, posterior), L
Extensor pollicis brevis, L
Abductor pollicis longus, L
Supinator, L
Extensor pollicis longus, L
Extensor indicis, L
Lower extremity
Lower limb, R
Proximal (upper) leg (thigh)
Anterior compartment (of proximal leg), R
Quadriceps femoris (quadriceps, quadriceps extensor, quads), R
Rectus femoris, R
Vastus lateralis, R
Vastus intermedius, R
Vastus medialis, R
Superficial (subcutaneous) prepatellar bursa, R
Superficial (subcutaneous) infrapatellar bursa, R
Suprapatellar bursa, R
Deep infrapatellar bursa, R
Sartorius, R
Iliotibial (Maissiat's) tract (band), R
Tensor fascia lata (fasciae latae), R
Articularis genu, R
Greater trochanteric bursa, R
Posterior compartment (of proximal leg), R
Biceps femoris, short head, R
Semitendinosus, R
Biceps femoris, long head, R
Semimembranosus, R
Subsartorial (Pes anserine) bursa, R
Fibular bursa, R
Semimembranosus bursa, R
Medial compartment (of proximal leg), R
Adductor longus, R
Adductor brevis, R
Adductor magnus, R
Ischiogluteal bursa, R
Pectineus, R
Gracilis, R
Psoas minor, R
Psoas major, R
Iliacus, R
Iliopsoas (iliopectineal) bursa, R
Distal (lower) leg
Posterior compartment (of distal leg), R
Popliteus, R
Flexor digitorum longus, R
Tibialis posterior, R
Gastrocnemius (triceps surae, part), R
Plantaris, R
Soleus (triceps surae, part), R
Achilles tendon (calcaneal tendon, triceps surae, part), R
Lateral gastrocnemius (subtendinous) bursa, R
Medial gastrocnemius (subtendinous) bursa, R
Subpopliteal (recess) bursa, R
Fibulopopliteal bursa, R
Retrocalcaneal bursa, R
Subcutaneous calcaneal bursa, R
Flexor hallucis longus, R
Lateral compartment (of distal leg), R
Fibularis (peroneus) longus, R
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis, R
Anterior compartment (of distal leg), R
Fibularis (peroneus) tertius, R
Extensor digitorum longus, R
Extensor hallucis longus, R
Tibialis anterior, R
Bursae of the ankle and foot, R
Subcutaneous calcaneal (of medial malleolus) bursa, R
Subcutaneous calcaneal (of lateral malleolus) bursa, R
Metatarsophalangeal bursa, R
Calcaneal (of medial malleolus) bursa, R
Metatarsal bursa, R
Dorsum (of foot)
Extensor hallucis brevis, R
Extensor digitorum brevis, R
Plantar (sole)
Layer 3 (of foot), R
Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot), R
Opponens digiti minimi (foot), R
Adductor hallucis (transverse head), R
Adductor hallucis (oblique head), R
Flexor hallucis brevis, R
Layer 4 (of foot), R
Dorsal interossei (foot), R
Plantar interossei, R
Layer 1 (of foot), R
Flexor digitorum brevis, R
Abductor digiti minimi (foot), R
Abductor hallucis, R
Layer 2 (of foot), R
Lumbricals (foot), R
Quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius), R
Lower limb, L
Proximal (upper) leg (thigh)
Medial compartment (of proximal leg), L
Adductor longus, L
Adductor brevis, L
Adductor magnus, L
Ischiogluteal bursa, L
Pectineus, L
Gracilis, L
Anterior compartment (of proximal leg), L
Quadriceps femoris (quadriceps, quadriceps extensor, quads), L
Rectus femoris, L
Vastus lateralis, L
Vastus intermedius, L
Vastus medialis, L
Superficial (subcutaneous) prepatellar bursa, L
Superficial (subcutaneous) infrapatellar bursa, L
Suprapatellar bursa, L
Deep infrapatellar bursa, L
Tensor fascia lata (fasciae latae), L
Iliotibial (Maissiat's) tract (band), L
Sartorius, L
Articularis genu, L
Greater trochanteric bursa, L
Posterior compartment (of proximal leg), L
Biceps femoris, long head, L
Biceps femoris, short head, L
Semimembranosus, L
Semitendinosus, L
Subsartorial (Pes anserine) bursa, L
Fibular bursa, L
Semimembranosus bursa, L
Psoas minor, L
Psoas major, L
Iliacus, L
Iliopsoas (iliopectineal) bursa, L
Distal (lower) leg
Lateral compartment (of distal leg), L
Fibularis (peroneus) longus, L
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis, L
Posterior compartment (of distal leg), L
Gastrocnemius (triceps surae, part), L
Tibialis posterior, L
Popliteus, L
Flexor digitorum longus, L
Achilles tendon (calcaneal tendon, triceps surae, part), L
Plantaris, L
Soleus (triceps surae, part), L
Medial gastrocnemius (subtendinous) bursa, L
Lateral gastrocnemius (subtendinous) bursa, L
Subpopliteal (recess) bursa, L
Fibulopopliteal bursa, L
Retrocalcaneal bursa, L
Subcutaneous calcaneal bursa, L
Flexor hallucis longus, L
Anterior compartment (of distal leg), L
Tibialis anterior, L
Fibularis (peroneus) tertius, L
Extensor hallucis longus, L
Extensor digitorum longus, L
Bursae of the ankle and foot, L
Subcutaneous calcaneal (of medial malleolus) bursa, L
Subcutaneous calcaneal (of lateral malleolus) bursa, L
Metatarsophalangeal bursa, L
Calcaneal (of medial malleolus) bursa, L
Metatarsal bursa, L
Dorsum (of foot)
Extensor digitorum brevis, L
Extensor hallucis brevis, L
Plantar (sole)
Layer 4 (of foot), L
Dorsal interossei (foot), L
Plantar interossei, L
Layer 2 (of foot), L
Lumbricals (foot), L
Quadratus plantae (flexor accessorius), L
Layer 1 (of foot), L
Flexor digitorum brevis, L
Abductor hallucis, L
Abductor digiti minimi (foot), L
Layer 3 (of foot), L
Flexor digiti minimi brevis (foot), L
Opponens digiti minimi (foot), L
Flexor hallucis brevis, L
Adductor hallucis (oblique head), L
Adductor hallucis (transverse head), L
Skeletal System
Upper limb
Upper limb, L
Hand, L
Phalanges (hand), L
1st Digit (pollex), phalanges (hand), L
1st Proximal phalanx (pollex), L
1st Distal phalanx (pollex), L
2nd Digit, phalanges (hand), L
2nd Proximal phalanx (hand), L
2nd Middle phalanx (hand), L
2nd Distal phalanx (hand), L
3rd Digit, phalanges (hand), L
3rd Middle phalanx (hand), L
3rd Proximal phalanx (hand), L
3rd Distal phalanx (hand), L
5th Digit, phalanges (hand), L
5th Distal phalanx (hand), L
5th Proximal phalanx (hand), L
5th Middle phalanx (hand), L
4th Digit, phalanges (hand), L
4th Distal phalanx (hand), L
4th Middle phalanx (hand), L
4th Proximal phalanx (hand), L
Metacarpus (metacarpals), L
1st Metacarpal (pollex), L
2nd Metacarpal, L
3rd Metacarpal, L
4th Metacarpal, L
5th Metacarpal, L
Carpus (carpals), L
Trapezoid, L
Lunate, L
Pisiform, L
Capitate, L
Triquetral (triangular), L
Hamate, L
Scaphoid, L
Trapezium, L
Ligaments of the wrist and hand, L
Ulnocarpal joint (articular disc), L
Extensor retinaculum, L
Dorsal radioulnar ligament, L
Flexor retinaculum (wrist), L
Interphalangeal joints (ligaments), L
Interphalangeal (proximal) articular capsules of the hand (PIP joints), L
Interphalangeal (distal) articular capsules of the hand (DIP joints), L
Interphalangeal articular capsule of pollex, L
Metacarpal ligaments, L
Deep transverse metacarpal ligaments, L
Superficial transverse metacarpal ligaments, L
Dorsal metacarpal ligaments, L
Palmar metacarpal ligaments, L
Radiocarpal and ulnocarpal ligaments, L
Palmar (volar) radioulnar ligament, L
Palmar radiocarpal ligament, radioscapholunate, L
Palmar radiocarpal ligament, radiotriquetral, L
Palmar radiocarpal ligament, radiocapitate, L
Palmar ulnocarpal ligament (ulnolunate and ulnotriquetral), L
Ulnar collateral ligament, pisiform portion (internal lateral ligament, ulnar carpal collateral ligament), L
Dorsal radiocarpal ligament, L
Radial collateral ligament, L
Intercarpal ligaments, L
Dorsal intercarpal ligaments, L
Distal intercarpal ligaments, L
Palmar intercarpal ligament (scaphotrapezium), L
Scaphocapitate ligament, L
Radiate carpal ligament, scaphotrapezial, L
Radiate carpal ligament, lunotriquetral, L
Radiate carpal ligament, capitotrapezial, L
Radiate carpal ligament, capitohamate, L
Pisohamate ligament, L
Radiate carpal ligament, L
Metacarpophalangeal ligaments, L
Metacarpophalangeal articular capsule of pollex, L
Metacarpophalangeal articular capsules, L
Carpometacarpal ligaments, L
Palmar (volar) carpometacarpal ligament, L
Dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments, L
Carpometacarpal articular capsule of pollex, L
Ulna (forearm, antebrachium), L
Radius (forearm, antebrachium), L
Humerus (arm, brachium), L
Interosseous membrane (antebrachial), L
Ligaments of the elbow, L
Annular ligament of radius, L
Ulnar collateral ligament, transverse, L
Ulnar collateral ligament, anterior, L
Articular capsule (elbow), L
Radial collateral ligament, L
Ulnar collateral ligament, L
Oblique cord (elbow), L
Upper limb, R
Hand, R
Phalanges (hand), R
1st Digit (pollex), phalanges (hand), R
1st Proximal phalanx (pollex), R
1st Distal phalanx (pollex), R
2nd Digit, phalanges (hand), R
2nd Proximal phalanx (hand), R
2nd Middle phalanx (hand), R
2nd Distal phalanx (hand), R
3rd Digit, phalanges (hand), R
3rd Middle phalanx (hand), R
3rd Proximal phalanx (hand), R
3rd Distal phalanx (hand), R
5th Digit, phalanges (hand), R
5th Distal phalanx (hand), R
5th Proximal phalanx (hand), R
5th Middle phalanx (hand), R
4th Digit, phalanges (hand), R
4th Distal phalanx (hand), R
4th Middle phalanx (hand), R
4th Proximal phalanx (hand), R
Metacarpus (metacarpals), R
1st Metacarpal (pollex), R
2nd Metacarpal, R
3rd Metacarpal, R
4th Metacarpal, R
5th Metacarpal, R
Carpus (carpals), R
Trapezoid, R
Lunate, R
Pisiform, R
Capitate, R
Triquetral (triangular), R
Scaphoid, R
Trapezium, R
Hamate, R
Ligaments of the wrist and hand, R
Flexor retinaculum (wrist), R
Extensor retinaculum, R
Carpometacarpal ligaments, R
Palmar (volar) carpometacarpal ligament, R
Dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments, R
Carpometacarpal articular capsule of pollex, R
Interphalangeal joints (ligaments), R
Interphalangeal (proximal) articular capsules of the hand (PIP joints), R
Interphalangeal (distal) articular capsules of the hand (DIP joints), R
Interphalangeal articular capsule of pollex, R
Metacarpal ligaments, R
Palmar metacarpal ligaments, R
Dorsal metacarpal ligaments, R
Superficial transverse metacarpal ligaments, R
Deep transverse metacarpal ligaments, R
Radiocarpal and ulnocarpal ligaments, R
Palmar ulnocarpal ligament (ulnolunate and ulnotriquetral), R
Palmar radiocarpal ligament, radiocapitate part, R
Palmar radiocarpal ligament, radiotriquetral part, R
Dorsal radiocarpal ligament, R
Palmar (volar) radioulnar ligament, R
Palmar radiocarpal ligament, radioscapholunate part, R
Radial collateral ligament, R
Ulnar collateral ligament, pisiform portion (internal lateral ligament, ulnar carpal collateral ligament), R
Intercarpal ligaments, R
Distal intercarpal ligaments, R
Dorsal intercarpal ligaments, R
Palmar intercarpal ligament (scaphotrapezium), R
Pisohamate ligament, R
Radiate carpal ligament, capitohamate, R
Radiate carpal ligament, capitotrapezial, R
Radiate carpal ligament, lunotriquetral, R
Radiate carpal ligament, R
Radiate carpal ligament, scaphotrapezial, R
Scaphocapitate ligament, R
Metacarpophalangeal ligaments, R
Metacarpophalangeal articular capsules, R
Metacarpophalangeal articular capsule of pollex, R
Dorsal radioulnar ligament, R
Ulnocarpal joint (articular disc), R
Ulna (forearm, antebrachium), R
Radius (forearm, antebrachium), R
Humerus (arm, brachium), R
Interosseous membrane (antebrachial), R
Ligaments of the elbow, R
Ulnar collateral ligament, R
Ulnar collateral ligament, transverse, R
Radial collateral ligament, R
Annular ligament of radius, R
Ulnar collateral ligament, anterior, R
Articular capsule (elbow), R
Oblique cord (elbow), R
Lower limb
Lower limb, L
Foot, L
Metatarsus (metatarsals), L
3rd Metatarsal, L
4th Metatarsal, L
1st Metatarsal (hallux), L
2nd Metatarsal, L
5th Metatarsal, L
Tarsus (tarsals), L
Cuboid, L
Medial cuneiform, L
Intermediate cuneiform, L
Lateral cuneiform, L
Navicular, L
Talus, L
Calcaneus, L
Phalanges (foot), L
4th Digit, phalanges (foot), L
4th Proximal phalanx (foot), L
4th Middle phalanx (foot), L
4th Distal phalanx (foot), L
2nd Digit, phalanges (foot), L
2nd Proximal phalanx (foot), L
2nd Middle phalanx (foot), L
2nd Distal phalanx (foot), L
5th Digit, phalanges (foot), L
5th Proximal phalanx (foot), L
5th Middle phalanx (foot), L
5th Distal phalanx (foot), L
1st Digit (hallux), phalanges (foot), L
1st Distal phalanx (hallux), L
1st Proximal phalanx (hallux), L
3rd Digit, phalanges (foot), L
3rd Proximal phalanx (foot), L
3rd Middle phalanx (foot), L
3rd Distal phalanx (foot), L
Ligaments of the ankle and foot, L
Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments, L
Talocrural ligaments (ankle joint), medial, L
Medial (deltoid) ligament (anterior tibiotalar part), L
Medial (deltoid) ligament (posterior tibiotalar part), L
Medial (deltoid) ligament (tibiocalcaneal part), L
Medial (deltoid) ligament (tibionavicular part), L
Talocrural ligaments (ankle joint), lateral, L
Lateral (collateral) ligament (anterior talofibular part), L
Lateral (collateral) ligament (calcaneofibular part), L
Lateral (collateral) ligament (posterior talofibular part), L
Posterior tibiofibular ligament, L
Subtalar/talocalcaneal ligaments (joint), L
Lateral talocalcaneal ligament, L
Medial talocalcaneal ligament, L
Posterior talocalcaneal ligament, L
Interosseous (anterior) talocalcaneal ligament, L
Transverse tarsal ligaments (joint), L
Plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament, L
Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligaments, L
Bifurcate (calcaneocuboid and calcaneonavicular) ligament, L
Talonavicular ligament, L
Plantar calcaneocuboid (short plantar) ligament, L
Long plantar ligament, L
Distal intertarsal ligaments, L
Dorsal cuboideonavicular ligament, L
Dorsal cuneonavicular ligament, L
Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament, L
Dorsal cuneocuboid ligament, L
Dorsal intercuneiform ligaments, L
Retinacula of the foot, L
Superior extensor retinaculum, L
Superior peroneal retinaculum, L
Inferior extensor retinaculum, L
Inferior peroneal retinaculum, L
Metatarsophalangeal ligaments, L
Metatarsophalangeal articular capsules, L
Metatarsophalangeal articular capsule of hallux, L
Interphalangeal ligaments, L
Interphalangeal ligament of hallux, L
Interphalangeal (proximal) ligaments of the foot (PIP joints), L
Interphalangeal (distal) ligaments of the foot (DIP joints), L
Metatarsal ligaments, L
Deep transverse metatarsal ligament, L
Dorsal metatarsal ligaments, L
Plantar metatarsal ligaments, L
Plantar aponeurosis, L
Tibia (leg), L
Fibula (leg), L
Femur (thigh), L
Ligaments of the hip, L
Ischiofemoral ligament, L
Iliofemoral ligament, L
Pubofemoral ligament, L
Ligaments of the knee, L
Lateral meniscus, L
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), L
Patellar ligament, L
Lateral collateral (fibular collateral) ligament (LCL), L
Medial meniscus, L
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), L
Medial collateral (tibial collateral) ligament (MCL), L
Patella (knee cap), L
Tibiofibular ligaments, L
Tibiofibular ligament, anterior, L
Interosseous membrane of the leg (middle tibiofibular ligament), L
Lower limb, R
Foot, R
Metatarsus (metatarsals), R
3rd Metatarsal, R
4th Metatarsal, R
1st Metatarsal (hallux), R
2nd Metatarsal, R
5th Metatarsal, R
Tarsus (tarsals), R
Cuboid, R
Medial cuneiform, R
Intermediate cuneiform, R
Lateral cuneiform, R
Navicular, R
Talus, R
Calcaneus, R
Phalanges (foot), R
4th Digit, phalanges (foot), R
4th Proximal phalanx (foot), R
4th Middle phalanx (foot), R
4th Distal phalanx (foot), R
2nd Digit, phalanges (foot), R
2nd Proximal phalanx (foot), R
2nd Middle phalanx (foot), R
2nd Distal phalanx (foot), R
5th Digit, phalanges (foot), R
5th Proximal phalanx (foot), R
5th Middle phalanx (foot), R
5th Distal phalanx (foot), R
1st Digit (hallux), phalanges (foot), R
1st Distal phalanx (hallux), R
1st Proximal phalanx (hallux), R
3rd Digit, phalanges (foot), R
3rd Proximal phalanx (foot), R
3rd Middle phalanx (foot), R
3rd Distal phalanx (foot), R
Ligaments of the ankle and foot, R
Dorsal tarsometatarsal ligaments, R
Talocrural ligaments (ankle joint), medial, R
Medial (deltoid) ligament (anterior tibiotalar part), R
Medial (deltoid) ligament (posterior tibiotalar part), R
Medial (deltoid) ligament (tibiocalcaneal part), R
Medial (deltoid) ligament (tibionavicular part), R
Talocrural ligaments (ankle joint), lateral, R
Lateral (collateral) ligament (anterior talofibular part), R
Lateral (collateral) ligament (calcaneofibular part), R
Lateral (collateral) ligament (posterior talofibular part), R
Posterior tibiofibular ligament, R
Subtalar/talocalcaneal ligaments (joint), R
Lateral talocalcaneal ligament, R
Medial talocalcaneal ligament, R
Posterior talocalcaneal ligament, R
Interosseous (anterior) talocalcaneal ligament, R
Transverse tarsal ligaments (joint), R
Plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament, R
Bifurcate (calcaneocuboid and calcaneonavicular) ligament, R
Dorsal calcaneocuboid ligaments, R
Talonavicular ligament, R
Plantar calcaneocuboid (short plantar) ligament, R
Long plantar ligament, R
Distal intertarsal ligaments, R
Dorsal cuneonavicular ligament, R
Dorsal cuboideonavicular ligament, R
Plantar cuboideonavicular ligament, R
Dorsal intercuneiform ligaments, R
Dorsal cuneocuboid ligament, R
Retinacula of the foot, R
Superior extensor retinaculum, R
Superior peroneal retinaculum, R
Inferior extensor retinaculum, R
Inferior peroneal retinaculum, R
Metatarsophalangeal ligaments, R
Metatarsophalangeal articular capsules, R
Metatarsophalangeal articular capsule of hallux, R
Metatarsal ligaments, R
Dorsal metatarsal ligaments, R
Deep transverse metatarsal ligament, R
Plantar metatarsal ligaments, R
Interphalangeal ligaments, R
Interphalangeal ligament of hallux, R
Interphalangeal (proximal) ligaments of the foot (PIP joints), R
Interphalangeal (distal) ligaments of the foot (DIP joints), R
Plantar aponeurosis, R
Tibia (leg), R
Fibula (leg), R
Femur (thigh), R
Ligaments of the hip, R
Iliofemoral ligament, R
Pubofemoral ligament, R
Ischiofemoral ligament, R
Ligaments of the knee, R
Lateral meniscus, R
Lateral collateral (fibular collateral) ligament (LCL), R
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), R
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), R
Medial meniscus, R
Medial collateral (tibial collateral) ligament (MCL), R
Patellar ligament, R
Patella (knee cap), R
Tibiofibular ligaments, R
Tibiofibular ligament, anterior, R
Interosseous membrane of the leg (middle tibiofibular ligament), R
Shoulder girdle
Shoulder girdle, L
Scapula, L
Clavicle, L
Ligaments of the shoulder girdle, L
Capsular ligament, L
Middle glenohumeral ligament, L
Superior glenohumeral ligament, L
Inferior glenohumeral ligament, L
Transverse humeral ligament, L
Sternoclavicular ligament, L
Coracoclavicular ligament, trapezoid portion, L
Coracoclavicular ligament, conoid portion, L
Acromioclavicular ligament, L
Superior transverse scapular ligament (forms suprascapular foramen), L
Coracohumeral ligament, L
Coracoacromial ligament, L
Shoulder girdle, R
Scapula, R
Clavicle, R
Ligaments of the shoulder girdle, R
Superior transverse scapular ligament (forms suprascapular foramen), R
Acromioclavicular ligament, R
Coracoclavicular ligament, conoid portion, R
Coracoclavicular ligament, trapezoid portion, R
Sternoclavicular ligament, R
Coracoacromial ligament, R
Coracohumeral ligament, R
Capsular ligament, R
Transverse humeral ligament, R
Superior glenohumeral ligament, R
Middle glenohumeral ligament, R
Inferior glenohumeral ligament, R
Pelvic girdle
Pubic symphysis
Hip bones (innominate bones, os coxae), L
Ischium, L
Pubis, L
Ilium, L
Hip bones (innominate bones, os coxae), R
Ischium, R
Pubis, R
Ilium, R
Ligaments of the pelvis, L
Iliolumbar ligament, L
Anterior sacroiliac ligament, L
Posterior sacroiliac ligament, upper, L
Sacrotuberous ligament, L
Sacrospinous ligament, L
Obturator membrane, L
Inguinal ligament, L
Tendinous arch, L
Uterosacral ligament, L
Endopelvic fascia, L
Pubocervical fascia, L
Cardinal ligament, L
Posterior sacroiliac ligament, lower, L
Ligaments of the pelvis, R
Inguinal ligament, R
Sacrotuberous ligament, R
Sacrospinous ligament, R
Obturator membrane, R
Iliolumbar ligament, R
Anterior sacroiliac ligament, R
Posterior sacroiliac ligament, upper, R
Tendinous arch, R
Endopelvic fascia, R
Pubocervical fascia, R
Uterosacral ligament, R
Cardinal ligament, R
Posterior sacroiliac ligament, lower, R
Ligaments of the pelvis
Perineal membrane
Rectovaginal fascia
Pubourethral ligament
Lower arch
[26] Incisor, lateral, R
[28] Premolar (bicuspid), first, R
[29] Premolar (bicuspid), second, R
[31] Molar, second, R
[32] Molar, third (wisdom), R
[22] Canine (cuspid), L
[21] Premolar (bicuspid), first, L
[20] Premolar (bicuspid), second, L
[19] Molar, first, L
[17] Molar, third (wisdom), L
[25] Incisor, central, R
[27] Canine (cuspid), R
[30] Molar, first, R
[24] Incisor, central, L
[23] Incisor, lateral, L
[18] Molar, second, L
Upper arch
[12] Premolar (bicuspid), first, L
[13] Premolar (bicuspid), second, L
[05] Premolar (bicuspid), first, R
[04] Premolar (bicuspid), second, R
[01] Molar, third (wisdom), R
[08] Incisor, central, R
[09] Incisor, central, L
[10] Incisor, lateral, L
[11] Canine (cuspid), L
[14] Molar, first, L
[15] Molar, second, L
[16] Molar, third (wisdom), L
[07] Incisor, lateral, R
[06] Canine (cuspid), R
[03] Molar, first, R
[02] Molar, second, R
Nasal cartilages
Lateral (upper lateral nasal) cartilage, L
Greater alar (major alar, lower lateral) cartilage, L
Septal cartilage
Lateral (upper lateral nasal) cartilage, R
Greater alar (major alar, lower lateral) cartilage, R
Facial skeleton (splanchnocranium, viscerocranium, ossa faciei)
Facial skeleton, left side
Lacrimal, L
Nasal, L
Maxilla, L
Maxilla, hard palate, L
Infraorbital canal and foramen, L
Maxillary sinus, L
Maxilla, L
Zygomatic, L
Zygomatic, L
Zygomatic, zygomaticofacial foramen, L
Zygomatic, zygomatic orbital foramen, L
Zygomatic, zygomaticotemporal foramen, L
Nasal concha (turbinate), inferior (lower), L
Facial skeleton, right side
Nasal, R
Lacrimal, R
Maxilla, R
Maxillary sinus, R
Maxilla, R
Infraorbital canal and foramen, R
Maxilla, hard palate, R
Zygomatic, R
Zygomatic, R
Zygomatic, zygomaticofacial foramen, R
Zygomatic, zygomatic orbital foramen, R
Zygomatic, zygomaticotemporal foramen, R
Nasal concha (turbinate), inferior (lower), R
Mandible, mandibular foramen, L
Mandible, mental foramen, L
Mandible, mental foramen, R
Mandible, mandibular foramen, R
Palatine, L
Palatine, R
Cranium (neurocranium, braincase)
Calvaria (calva, skullcap)
Parietal, R
Parietal, L
Foramen lacerum, occipital surface, L
Foramen lacerum, occipital surface, R
Jugular foramen, occipital surface, R
Jugular foramen, occipital surface, L
Foramen magnum
Hypoglossal canal, R
Condyloid foramen, R
Hypoglossal canal, L
Condyloid foramen, L
Frontal sinus, L
Frontal sinus, R
Temporal, L
Temporal, L
Internal auditory (acoustic) meatus, L
External auditory (acoustic) meatus, L
Foramen lacerum, temporal surface, L
Carotid canal, L
Stylomastoid foramen, L
Jugular foramen, temporal surface, L
Mastoid foramen, L
Temporal, R
Stylomastoid foramen, R
Foramen lacerum, temporal surface, R
Carotid canal, R
Jugular foramen, temporal surface, R
Mastoid foramen, R
External auditory (acoustic) meatus, R
Internal auditory (acoustic) meatus, R
Temporal, R
Ethmoid, crista galli
Ethmoid, perpendicular plate
Ethmoid sinuses, L
Ethmoid sinuses, R
Ethmoid, cribriform plate, L
Ethmoid, cribriform plate, R
Foramina (sphenoid), L
Foramen ovale, L
Optic foramen, L
Foramen rotundum, L
Pterygoid canal, L
Foramen lacerum, sphenoidal surface, L
Foramen spinosum, L
Superior orbital fissure, L
Foramina (sphenoid), R
Optic foramen, R
Superior orbital fissure, R
Foramen rotundum, R
Pterygoid canal, R
Foramen lacerum, sphenoidal surface, R
Foramen ovale, R
Foramen spinosum, R
Hyoid (os hyoideum, lingual bone)
Ligaments of the skull
Ligaments of the skull, R
Lateral ligament (mandible), R
Joint capsule (mandible), R
Stylomandibular ligament, R
Sphenomandibular ligament, R
Ligaments of the skull, L
Stylomandibular ligament, L
Sphenomandibular ligament, L
Joint capsule (mandible), L
Lateral ligament (mandible), L
Thoracic cage
Xiphoid process
Body of sternum
Thoracic cage, R
False ribs (08-12), R
Vertebral (floating) ribs (11-12), R
Eleventh rib (11), R
Twelfth rib (12), R
Vertebrochondral ribs (08-10), R
Eighth rib (08), R
Ninth rib (09), R
Tenth rib (10), R
Vertebrosternal (true) ribs (01-07), R
First rib (01), R
Second rib (02), R
Third rib (03), R
Fourth rib (04), R
Fifth rib (05), R
Sixth rib (06), R
Seventh rib (07), R
Thoracic cage, L
False ribs (08-12), L
Vertebral (floating) ribs (11-12), L
Eleventh rib (11), L
Twelfth rib (12), L
Vertebrochondral ribs (08-10), L
Eighth rib (08), L
Ninth rib (09), L
Tenth rib (10), L
Vertebrosternal (true) ribs (01-07), L
First rib (01), L
Second rib (02), L
Third rib (03), L
Fourth rib (04), L
Fifth rib (05), L
Sixth rib (06), L
Seventh rib (07), L
Laryngeal skeleton
Cricoid cartilage
Thyroid cartilage
Vocal cartilages, R
Corniculate cartilage, R
Arytenoid cartilage, R
Vocal cartilages, L
Corniculate cartilage, L
Arytenoid cartilage, L
Cricothyroid membrane and ligament
Thyrohyoid membrane
Vocal ligament, L
Vocal ligament, R
Hyoepiglottic ligament
Cricotracheal ligament
Vertebral column
Lumbar spine
L01-L02 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
L02-L03 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
L03-L04 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
L04-L05 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
L05 Vertebra
L04 Vertebra
L03 Vertebra
L02 Vertebra
L01 Vertebra
Cervical spine
C02-C03 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
C03-C04 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
C04-C05 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
C05-C06 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
C06-C07 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
C07-T01 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
C07 Vertebra
C06 Vertebra
C05 Vertebra
C04 Vertebra
C03 Vertebra
C02 Axis
C01 Atlas
Sacral spine
L05-S01 Sacral intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
S01-05 Sacrum
Thoracic spine
T01-T02 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T02-T03 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T03-T04 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T04-T05 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T05-T06 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T06-T07 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T07-T08 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T08-T09 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T09-T10 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T11-T12 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T12-L01 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T12 Vertebra
T10 Vertebra
T09 Vertebra
T08 Vertebra
T07 Vertebra
T06 Vertebra
T05 Vertebra
T04 Vertebra
T03 Vertebra
T02 Vertebra
T01 Vertebra
T10-T11 Intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage)
T11 Vertebra
Ligaments of the spine
Intertransverse (lumbar) ligaments, R
Intertransverse (thoracic) ligaments, L
Intertransverse (thoracic) ligaments, R
Intertransverse (lumbar) ligaments, L
Posterior longitudinal ligament
Supraspinous ligament
Intertransverse (cervical) ligaments, R
Intertransverse (cervical) ligaments, L
Nuchal ligament
Anterior longitudinal ligament
Ligamenta flava, lumbar region
Ligamenta flava, thoracic region
Ligamenta flava, cervical region
Atlanto-axial ligaments
Tectorial membrane of atlanto-axial joint
Tectorial membrane, R
Tectorial membrane, L
Longitudinal fascicles (part of the cruciform ligament of the atlas)
Posterior atlantoaxial ligament
Transverse ligament (part of the cruciform ligament of the atlas)
Atlanto-occipital ligaments
Atlanto-occipital capsule, R
Atlanto-occipital capsule, L
Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
Occipitoaxial ligaments
Alar ligament, L
Alar ligament, R
Apical ligament of the dens
Linea alba
Nervous System
Eye, R
Eye, L
Cranial nerves
Cranial nerves, R
CN 02 (II) Optic, R
CN 02 (II) Optic, R
CN 03 (III) Oculomotor, R
CN 03 (III) Oculomotor, R
CN 04 (IV) Trochlear, R
CN 04 (IV) Trochlear, R
CN 05 (V) Trigeminal, R
CN 05 (V) Mental, R
CN 05 (V) Ophthalmic, ciliary branch, R
CN 05 (V) Ophthalmic branch, R
CN 05 (V) Trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion, R
CN 05 (V) Ophthalmic, frontal branch, R
CN 05 (V) Lingual, R
CN 05 (V) Maxillary, R
CN 05 (V) Infraorbital, R
CN 05 (V) Origin of pterygopalatine, R
CN 05 (V) Mandibular, R
CN 05 (V) Inferior alveolar, R
CN 05 (V) Auriculotemporal branch, R
CN 05 (V) Trigeminal, R
CN 06 (VI) Abducens, R
CN 06 (VI) Abducens (abducent), R
CN 07 (VII) Facial, R
CN 07 (VII) Cervical, R
CN 07 (VII) Buccal, R
CN 07 (VII) Mandibular, R
CN 07 (VII) Facial, R
CN 07 (VII) Zygomatic, R
CN 07 (VII) Posterior auricular, R
CN 07 (VII) Temporal, R
CN 08 (VIII) Vestibulocochlear (statoacoustic), R
CN 08 (VIII) Vestibulocochlear (statoacoustic), R
CN 09 (IX) Glossopharyngeal, R
CN 09 (IX) Carotid branch, R
CN 09 (IX) Glossopharyngeal: Pharyngeal, tonsillar, and lingual branches, R
CN 09 (IX) Glossopharyngeal, R
CN 10 (X) Vagus, R
CN 10 (X) Vagus, R
CN 10 (X) Vagus: Cardiac, pulmonary, and esophageal branches, R
CN 10 (X) Vagus: Recurrent laryngeal, R
CN 10 (X) Vagus: Ganglion, R
CN 11 (XI) Accessory (spinal accessory), R
CN 11 (XI) Accessory, R
CN 11 (XI) Spinal portion, R
CN 11 (XI) Internal branch, R
CN 12 (XII) Hypoglossal, R
CN 12 (XII) Hypoglossal, R
Branches to the extrinsic muscles of the tongue, R
Branches to the intrinsic muscles of the tongue, R
Cranial nerves, L
CN 02 (II) Optic, L
CN 02 (II) Optic, L
CN 03 (III) Oculomotor, L
CN 03 (III) Oculomotor, L
CN 04 (IV) Trochlear, L
CN 04 (IV) Trochlear, L
CN 05 (V) Trigeminal, L
CN 05 (V) Mandibular, L
CN 05 (V) Ophthalmic, ciliary branch, L
CN 05 (V) Origin of pterygopalatine, L
CN 05 (V) Infraorbital, L
CN 05 (V) Maxillary, L
CN 05 (V) Mental, L
CN 05 (V) Inferior alveolar, L
CN 05 (V) Lingual, L
CN 05 (V) Ophthalmic, frontal branch, L
CN 05 (V) Trigeminal (semilunar) ganglion, L
CN 05 (V) Ophthalmic branch, L
CN 05 (V) Auriculotemporal branch, L
CN 05 (V) Trigeminal, L
CN 06 (VI) Abducens, L
CN 06 (VI) Abducens (abducent), L
CN 07 (VII) Facial, L
CN 07 (VII) Cervical, L
CN 07 (VII) Temporal, L
CN 07 (VII) Posterior auricular, L
CN 07 (VII) Buccal, L
CN 07 (VII) Facial, L
CN 07 (VII) Mandibular, L
CN 07 (VII) Zygomatic, L
CN 08 (VIII) Vestibulocochlear (statoacoustic), L
CN 08 (VIII) Vestibulocochlear (statoacoustic), L
CN 09 (IX) Glossopharyngeal, L
CN 09 (IX) Carotid branch, L
CN 09 (IX) Glossopharyngeal: Pharyngeal, tonsillar, and lingual branches, L
CN 09 (IX) Glossopharyngeal, L
CN 10 (X) Vagus, L
CN 10 (X) Vagus: Cardiac, pulmonary, and esophageal branches, L
CN 10 (X) Vagus, L
CN 10 (X) Vagus: Recurrent laryngeal, L
CN 10 (X) Vagus: Ganglion, L
CN 11 (XI) Accessory (spinal accessory), L
CN 11 (XI) Accessory, L
CN 11 (XI) Spinal portion, L
CN 11 (XI) Internal branch, L
CN 12 (XII) Hypoglossal, L
Branches to the intrinsic muscles of the tongue, L
Branches to the extrinsic muscles of the tongue, L
CN 12 (XII) Hypoglossal, L
Cervical plexus
Cervical plexus, L
C04 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
C04 Dorsal root, L
C04 Ventral root, L
C04 Dorsal root ganglion, L
Communicating branches, L
C03 Dorsal root ganglion, L
C01 Dorsal root ganglion, L
C02 Dorsal root ganglion, L
C02 Ventral root, L
C01 Ventral root, L
C02 Dorsal root, L
C01 Dorsal root, L
C01 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
C03 Ventral root, L
C03 Dorsal root, L
Phrenic nerve (C03-C05), L
Supraclavicular, L
C03 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
C02 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
Suboccipital, L
Greater occipital, L
Great auricular, L
Lesser occipital, L
Transverse cervical, L
Ansa cervicalis, L
Ansa cervicalis, inferior branch, L
C03 Contribution to ansa cervicalis, L
Ansa cervicalis, superior branch, L
Ansa cervicalis, branch to sternothyroid, L
Ansa cervicalis, branch to sternohyoid, L
Ansa cervicalis, branch to omohyoid (superior belly), L
Ansa cervicalis, branch to omohyoid, L
C03 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
C03 Dorsal ramus, L
C03 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
C04 Dorsal ramus, L
C04 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
C04 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
Cervical plexus, R
C04 Dorsal root, R
C04 Ventral root, R
C04 Dorsal root ganglion, R
C03 Dorsal root ganglion, R
C01 Dorsal root ganglion, R
C02 Dorsal root ganglion, R
C02 Ventral root, R
C01 Ventral root, R
C02 Dorsal root, R
C01 Dorsal root, R
C01 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
C03 Ventral root, R
C03 Dorsal root, R
Suboccipital, R
Greater occipital, R
Lesser occipital, R
Great auricular, R
C02 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
C03 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
Communicating branches, R
C04 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
Phrenic nerve (C03-C05), R
Supraclavicular, R
Transverse cervical, R
Ansa cervicalis, R
Ansa cervicalis, superior branch, R
Ansa cervicalis, inferior branch, R
Ansa cervicalis, branch to sternohyoid, R
Ansa cervicalis, branch to omohyoid (superior belly), R
Ansa cervicalis, branch to sternothyroid, R
Ansa cervicalis, branch to omohyoid, R
C03 Contribution to ansa cervicalis, R
C03 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
C03 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
C03 Dorsal ramus, R
C04 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
C04 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
C04 Dorsal ramus, R
Lumbosacral plexus and lower limb
Lumbosacral plexus and lower limb, L
S04 Dorsal root, L
Medial clunial (cluneal), L
L04 Spinal nerve, L
L04 Ventral root, L
L04 Dorsal root ganglion, L
L01 Ventral root, L
L02 Ventral root, L
L01 Dorsal root, L
L02 Dorsal root, L
L04 Dorsal root, L
L01 Dorsal root ganglion, L
L01 Spinal nerve, L
L02 Dorsal root ganglion, L
S05 Ventral root, L
L02 Spinal nerve, L
Lumbosacral trunk, L
S02 Spinal nerve, L
L03 Dorsal root, L
S01 Dorsal root, L
S02 Dorsal root, L
L03 Ventral root, L
L05 Ventral root, L
S01 Ventral root, L
L03 Dorsal root ganglion, L
L05 Dorsal root ganglion, L
S01 Dorsal root ganglion, L
S02 Dorsal root ganglion, L
S03 Dorsal root, L
S03 Dorsal root ganglion, L
S03 Ventral root, L
S03 Spinal nerve, L
S01 Spinal nerve, L
L05 Spinal nerve, L
L03 Spinal nerve, L
S04 Ventral root, L
S04 Dorsal root ganglion, L
Superior clunial (cluneal), L
S05 Spinal nerve, contribution to coccygeal plexus, L
S04 Spinal nerve, L
Nerve to levator ani, L
S02 Ventral root, L
Nerve to quadratus femoris, L
L03 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
L03 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
L03 Dorsal ramus, L
L01 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
L01 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
L02 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
L02 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
L02 Dorsal ramus, L
L04 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
L04 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
L04 Dorsal ramus, L
L05 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
L05 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
L05 Dorsal ramus, L
L01 Dorsal ramus, L
L05 Dorsal root, L
Sacral plexus, L
Perineal, L
Inferior rectal, L
Proper plantar digital, L
Common plantar digital, L
Deep fibular (peroneal), lateral branch, L
Deep fibular (peroneal), medial branch, L
Lateral plantar, L
Medial plantar, L
Superficial fibular (peroneal), intermediate dorsal cutaneous branch, L
Dorsal metatarsal and digital branches, L
Superficial fibular (peroneal), medial dorsal cutaneous branch, L
Sural, L
Lateral sural cutaneous, L
Superficial fibular (peroneal), L
Deep fibular (peroneal), L
Medial sural cutaneous, L
Inferior clunial (cluneal), L
Pudendal, L
Posterior femoral cutaneous, L
Common fibular (peroneal), L
Tibial, L
Sciatic, L
Inferior gluteal, L
Superior gluteal, L
Lumbar plexus, L
Saphenous, L
Femoral, L
Obturator, L
Lateral femoral cutaneous, L
Genitofemoral, L
Genitofemoral, genital branch, L
Genitofemoral, femoral branch, L
Ilioinguinal, L
Iliohypogastric, L
Lumbosacral plexus and lower limb, R
L04 Dorsal root, R
L02 Ventral root, R
L02 Dorsal root, R
L01 Dorsal root, R
L01 Ventral root, R
L04 Spinal nerve, R
L04 Ventral root, R
L04 Dorsal root ganglion, R
L05 Dorsal root, R
S01 Dorsal root, R
S02 Dorsal root, R
L03 Dorsal root, R
L03 Ventral root, R
L05 Ventral root, R
S01 Ventral root, R
L01 Dorsal root ganglion, R
L02 Dorsal root ganglion, R
L03 Dorsal root ganglion, R
L05 Dorsal root ganglion, R
S01 Dorsal root ganglion, R
S02 Dorsal root ganglion, R
S02 Ventral root, R
S05 Ventral root, R
S03 Dorsal root, R
S03 Dorsal root ganglion, R
S03 Ventral root, R
S03 Spinal nerve, R
S02 Spinal nerve, R
S01 Spinal nerve, R
L05 Spinal nerve, R
L03 Spinal nerve, R
L02 Spinal nerve, R
L01 Spinal nerve, R
S04 Ventral root, R
S04 Dorsal root ganglion, R
S05 Spinal nerve, contribution to coccygeal plexus, R
Medial clunial (cluneal), R
S04 Spinal nerve, R
Nerve to levator ani, R
Superior clunial (cluneal), R
Lumbosacral trunk, R
S04 Dorsal root, R
Nerve to quadratus femoris, R
L01 Dorsal ramus, R
L01 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
L01 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
L02 Dorsal ramus, R
L02 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
L02 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
L03 Dorsal ramus, R
L03 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
L03 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
L04 Dorsal ramus, R
L04 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
L04 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
L05 Dorsal ramus, R
L05 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
L05 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
Sacral plexus, R
Inferior rectal, R
Perineal, R
Deep fibular (peroneal), lateral branch, R
Deep fibular (peroneal), medial branch, R
Lateral plantar, R
Common plantar digital, R
Proper plantar digital, R
Medial plantar, R
Superficial fibular (peroneal), medial dorsal cutaneous branch, R
Dorsal metatarsal and digital branches, R
Superficial fibular (peroneal), intermediate dorsal cutaneous branch, R
Sural, R
Lateral sural cutaneous, R
Superficial fibular (peroneal), R
Deep fibular (peroneal), R
Medial sural cutaneous, R
Inferior clunial (cluneal), R
Pudendal, R
Posterior femoral cutaneous, R
Common fibular (peroneal), R
Tibial, R
Sciatic, R
Inferior gluteal, R
Superior gluteal, R
Lumbar plexus, R
Saphenous, R
Femoral, R
Obturator, R
Lateral femoral cutaneous, R
Genitofemoral, R
Genitofemoral, genital branch, R
Genitofemoral, femoral branch, R
Ilioinguinal, R
Iliohypogastric, R
Intercostals, L
T12 (subcostal), L
T12 (subcostal) Ventral root, L
T12 (subcostal) Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T12 (subcostal) Dorsal root ganglion, L
T12 (subcostal) Dorsal root, L
T12 (subcostal) Cutaneous branches, lateral , L
T12 (subcostal) Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T12 Dorsal ramus, L
T12 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T12 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T11, L
T11 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T11 Ventral root, L
T11 Dorsal root, L
T11 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T11 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T11 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T11 Dorsal ramus, L
T11 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T11 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T10, L
T10 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T10 Dorsal root, L
T10 Ventral root, L
T10 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T10 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T10 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T10 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T10 Dorsal ramus, L
T10 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T09, L
T09 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T09 Ventral root, L
T09 Dorsal root, L
T09 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T09 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T09 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T09 Dorsal ramus, L
T09 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T09 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T08, L
T08 Dorsal root, L
T08 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T08 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T08 Ventral root, L
T08 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T08 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T08 Dorsal ramus, L
T08 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T08 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T07, L
T07 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T07 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T07 Dorsal root, L
T07 Ventral root, L
T07 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T07 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T07 Dorsal ramus, L
T07 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T07 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T06, L
T06 Ventral root, L
T06 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T06 Dorsal root, L
T06 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T06 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T06 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T06 Dorsal ramus, L
T06 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T06 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T05, L
T05 Ventral root, L
T05 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T05 Dorsal root, L
T05 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T05 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T05 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T05 Dorsal ramus, L
T05 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T05 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T04, L
T04 Ventral root, L
T04 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T04 Dorsal root, L
T04 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T04 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T04 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T04 Dorsal ramus, L
T04 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T04 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T03, L
T03 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T03 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T03 Dorsal root, L
T03 Ventral root, L
T03 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T03 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T03 Dorsal ramus, L
T03 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T03 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T02, L
T02 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T02 Dorsal root, L
T02 Ventral root, L
T02 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T02 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T02 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T02 Dorsal ramus, L
T02 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T02 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
T01, L
T01 Dorsal root, L
T01 Ventral root, L
T01 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
T01 Cutaneous branches, anterior, L
T01 Dorsal root ganglion, L
T01 Cutaneous branches, lateral, L
T01 Dorsal ramus, L
T01 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
T01 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
Intercostals, R
T12 (subcostal), R
T12 (subcostal) Ventral root, R
T12 (subcostal) Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T12 (subcostal) Dorsal root ganglion, R
T12 (subcostal) Dorsal root, R
T12 (subcostal) Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T12 (subcostal) Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T12 Dorsal ramus, R
T12 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T12 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T11, R
T11 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T11 Ventral root, R
T11 Dorsal root, R
T11 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T11 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T11 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T11 Dorsal ramus, R
T11 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T11 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T10, R
T10 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T10 Dorsal root, R
T10 Ventral root, R
T10 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T10 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T10 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T10 Dorsal ramus, R
T10 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T10 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T09, R
T09 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T09 Ventral root, R
T09 Dorsal root, R
T09 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T09 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T09 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T09 Dorsal ramus, R
T09 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T09 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T08, R
T08 Dorsal root, R
T08 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T08 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T08 Ventral root, R
T08 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T08 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T08 Dorsal ramus, R
T08 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T08 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T07, R
T07 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T07 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T07 Dorsal root, R
T07 Ventral root, R
T07 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T07 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T07 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T07 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T07 Dorsal ramus, R
T06, R
T06 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T06 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T06 Dorsal root, R
T06 Ventral root, R
T06 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T06 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T06 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T06 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T06 Dorsal ramus, R
T05, R
T05 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T05 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T05 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T05 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T05 Ventral root, R
T05 Dorsal root, R
T05 Dorsal ramus, R
T05 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T05 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T04, R
T04 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T04 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T04 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T04 Dorsal root, R
T04 Ventral root, R
T04 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T04 Dorsal ramus, R
T04 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T04 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T03, R
T03 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T03 Dorsal root, R
T03 Ventral root, R
T03 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T03 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T03 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T03 Dorsal ramus, R
T03 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T03 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T02, R
T02 Dorsal root, R
T02 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T02 Ventral root, R
T02 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T02 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T02 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T02 Dorsal ramus, R
T02 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T02 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
T01, R
T01 Dorsal root, R
T01 Ventral root, R
T01 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
T01 Dorsal root ganglion, R
T01 Cutaneous branches, lateral, R
T01 Cutaneous branches, anterior, R
T01 Dorsal ramus, R
T01 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
T01 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
Brachial plexus and upper limb
Brachial plexus and upper limb, L
Divisions, L
Posterior division, L
Anterior divisions, L
Cords, L
Medial cord (C08, T01), L
Lateral cord (C05-C07), L
Posterior cord (C05-T01), L
Roots, L
T01 Contribution, L
C08 Dorsal root, L
C06 Dorsal root, L
C06 Ventral root, L
C07 Dorsal root, L
C07 Ventral root, L
C08 Ventral root, L
C08 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
C05 Dorsal root, L
C05 Ventral root, L
C06 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
C05 Dorsal root ganglion, L
C07 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
C06 Dorsal root ganglion, L
C07 Dorsal root ganglion, L
C08 Dorsal root ganglion, L
C05 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), L
Trunks, L
Upper trunk (C05, C06), L
Middle trunk (C07), L
Lower trunk (C08, T01), L
Branches of cords, L
Supraclavicular branches of cords, L
Branches from upper trunk, L
Nerve to the subclavius (C05, C06), L
Suprascapular (C04-C06), L
Branches from roots, L
Dorsal scapular (C03-C05), L
Long thoracic (C05-C07), L
Dorsal rami, L
C07 Dorsal ramus, L
C07 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
C07 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
C06 Dorsal ramus, L
C06 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
C06 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
C05 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
C05 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
C08 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, L
C08 Dorsal ramus, L
C08 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, L
C05 Dorsal ramus, L
Infraclavicular branches of cords, L
Branches of posterior cord, L
Terminal branches of posterior cord, L
Axillary (C05, C06), L
Radial, L
Radial, superficial branch, L
Deep branch of radial, L
Radial (C05-T01), L
Dorsal digital (radial), L
Side branches of posterior cord, L
Lower subscapular (C05-C06), L
Upper subscapular (C05-C06), L
Thoracodorsal (middle subscapular, long subscapular)(C06-C08), L
Branches of lateral cord, L
Side branches of lateral cord, L
Lateral pectoral (C05-C07), L
Terminal branches of lateral cord, L
Median (C06-T01), L
Median, lateral root, L
Musculocutaneous (C05-C07), L
Common palmar digital, L
Palmar digital (median), L
Branches of medial cord, L
Terminal branches of medial cord, L
Median, medial root, L
Ulnar (C08, T01), L
Ulnar, superficial branch, L
Ulnar, dorsal branch, L
Palmar digital (ulnar), L
Dorsal digital (ulnar), L
Deep branch of ulnar, L
Ulnar, communicating branch, L
Side branches of medial cord, L
Medial brachial cutaneous (T01), L
Medial antebrachial cutaneous (C08, T01), L
Medial pectoral (C08, T01), L
Brachial plexus and upper limb, R
Cords, R
Medial cord (C08, T01), R
Posterior cord (C05-T01), R
Lateral cord (C05-C07), R
Trunks, R
Upper trunk (C05, C06), R
Middle trunk (C07), R
Lower trunk (C08, T01), R
Divisions, R
Anterior divisions, R
Posterior division, R
Roots, R
C05 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
C08 Dorsal root ganglion, R
C07 Dorsal root ganglion, R
C06 Dorsal root ganglion, R
C05 Dorsal root ganglion, R
C05 Ventral root, R
C08 Ventral root, R
C07 Ventral root, R
C07 Dorsal root, R
C06 Ventral root, R
C06 Dorsal root, R
C08 Dorsal root, R
T01 Contribution, R
C08 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
C06 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
C07 Spinal nerve (ventral ramus), R
C05 Dorsal root, R
Branches of cords, R
Infraclavicular branches of cords, R
Branches of posterior cord, R
Terminal branches of posterior cord, R
Radial, R
Deep branch of radial, R
Radial, superficial branch, R
Radial (C05-T01), R
Dorsal digital (radial), R
Axillary (C05, C06), R
Side branches of posterior cord, R
Lower subscapular (C05-C06), R
Thoracodorsal (middle subscapular, long subscapular)(C06-C08), R
Upper subscapular (C05-C06), R
Branches of lateral cord, R
Terminal branches of lateral cord, R
Median (C06-T01), R
Median, lateral root, R
Musculocutaneous (C05-C07), R
Common palmar digital, R
Palmar digital (median), R
Side branches of lateral cord, R
Lateral pectoral (C05-C07), R
Branches of medial cord, R
Terminal branches of medial cord, R
Median, medial root, R
Ulnar (C08, T01), R
Dorsal digital (ulnar), R
Ulnar, dorsal branch, R
Ulnar, superficial branch, R
Palmar digital (ulnar), R
Ulnar, communicating branch, R
Deep branch of ulnar, R
Side branches of medial cord, R
Medial antebrachial cutaneous (C08, T01), R
Medial brachial cutaneous (T01), R
Medial pectoral (C08, T01), R
Supraclavicular branches of cords, R
Branches from upper trunk, R
Nerve to the subclavius (C05, C06), R
Suprascapular (C04-C06), R
Branches from roots, R
Dorsal scapular (C03-C05), R
Long thoracic (C05-C07), R
Dorsal rami, R
C07 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
C05 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
C06 Dorsal ramus, R
C06 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
C06 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
C07 Dorsal ramus, R
C05 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
C05 Dorsal ramus, R
C07 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
C08 Dorsal ramus, R
C08 Dorsal ramus, medial branch, R
C08 Dorsal ramus, lateral branch, R
Forebrain (prosencephalon)
Diencephalon, left side
Pituitary gland (hypophysis), (also an endocrine gland), left side
Adenohypophysis, left side
Pars intermedialis, L
Pars tuberalis, L
Pars distalis, L
Infundibulum, L
Neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary), L
Optic chiasm, left side
Interthalamic adhesion, left side
Hypothalamus, L
Pineal gland (pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis), L
Diencephalon, right side
Pituitary gland (hypophysis), (also an endocrine gland), right side
Adenohypophysis, right side
Pars intermedialis, R
Pars tuberalis, R
Pars distalis, R
Infundibulum, R
Neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary), R
Hypothalamus, R
Interthalamic adhesion, right side
Optic chiasm, right side
Pineal gland (pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis), R
Hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
Myelencephalon (medulla oblongata), R
Medulla oblongata, right side
Myelencephalon (medulla oblongata), L
Medulla oblongata, left side
Metencephalon, R
Pons, right side
Metencephalon, L
Pons, left side
Midbrain (mesencephalon)
Mesencephalon, left side
Tectum, L
Corpora quadrigemina, L
Superior colliculus, L
Inferior colliculus, L
Midbrain, L
Mesencephalon, right side
Tectum, R
Corpora quadrigemina, R
Superior colliculus, R
Inferior colliculus, R
Midbrain, R
Limbic system
Limbic, L
Anterior commissure, left side
Limbic, R
Anterior commissure, right side
Spinal cord
Conus medullaris
Filum terminale
Cauda equin