This article is for Visible Body Courseware site license customers with a Canvas or Blackboard LTI 1.1 integration who would like to update to a 1.3 integration. If you are a Courseware adoption customer, remain on 1.1 for now. Your update is coming in 2025.
If you need help at any point in this process, reach out to your Visible Body sales rep or Customer Engagement specialist. You can also contact
Transition steps from 1.1 to 1.3
The steps to transition a Blackboard or Canvas Courseware integration from 1.1 to 1.3 can be completed by an instructor with the help of the institution's LMS admin.
- Start from a course using your Visible Body 1.1 integration.
- Request that an admin add the new 1.3 integration to your LMS tools. By default, the tool will be called “Visible Body (LTI 1.3)”, to distinguish it from the earlier 1.1 tool.
- Launch the new 1.3 tool in the course(s) of choice. Those courses will now be registered as 1.3 courses.
- After that:
- In Canvas you can remove the Visible Body 1.1 tool from your courses and then delete it from the list of tools. This is done with your LMS settings.
- In Blackboard, the 1.1 tool will be deleted for you.
The process is complete.
For additional reference visit the initial Canvas or Blackboard integration articles or browse the FAQs below.
For information about students and instructors accessing through the LMS see the Invite Section of the Getting Started (for Instructors and Admins) article, or the Enroll section of the Getting Started (for students)article.
What is “LTI 1.3 Advantage”?
LTI 1.3 is the latest version of 1EdTech’s (formerly IMS Global) interoperability standard, the standard for LMS integrations, making it easier for LMSs to integrate with third-party tools like Visible Body. LTI Advantage specifically has three new major services built in: deep linking, names and role provisioning, and assignment and grade services.
What is the difference between LTI 1.1 and 1.3?
The main difference is that 1.3 integrations have an increased security over the legacy 1.1 integrations.
- No keys and secrets are needed for LTI 1.3 Courseware integrations!
- Student information will be more secure as it gets sent back and forth between the integration and your LMS. T
- The 1.3 integration is easier to set up!
- Links to activities with grade return are built into the integration.
What are the differences between “Lite” and “Deep” integrations?
In LTI 1.1 there was the option to set up just single sign-on (lite) or single sign on with gradebook integration (deep). In A 1.3 integration there is only one set up. Customers can then choose the “lite” single sign on feature, or you can take advantage of the full feature set and add assignment and grade return.
My school has students individually purchase access to Visible Body. Will that work with LTI 1.3 Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, Moodle or Schoology integrations?
Not yet. This is coming later in 2025. If your students purchase Courseware through a Blackboard or Canvas LMS integration (an adoption purchase) the LTI 1.1 integration remains your option.
For how long can I use the Courseware 1.1 integration?
Currently, there is no set time. The keeper of the LTI specification, 1Edtech, has deprecated version 1.1. That means it is functional but not recommended since a newer improved version is out. For spring 2025 it appears that the major LMSs will continue to provide assistance with 1.1. Visible Body will be working throughout the 2025 year to transition customers.
I have already set up a Canvas 1.1 or Blackboard 1.1 integration. Can I have both a 1.1 and 1.3 integration?
In Canvas you can, but we do not recommend it as it can lead to syncing errors. In Blackboard you cannot.
Canvas or Blackboard is offering to automatically convert Visible Body from LTI 1.1 to 1.3. Should I do it?
In Blackboard, yes. In Canvas, no; follow the instructions at the top of this article instead. This Courseware LTI 1.3 update is currently available only for site license customers. If you are a Courseware adoption customer, your 1.3 update will be available later this year.