Here are the content and views in the latest release of Muscle Premium for PC/Mac.
Normal anatomy models
Head and Neck
- Head region
- Head
- Mandible elevation
- Mandible depression
- Mandible protraction
- Mandible retraction
- Neck head flexion
- Neck head extension
- Neck head lateral flexion
- Head rotation ipsilateral
- Head rotation contralateral
- Shoulder region
- Shoulder girdle
- Shoulder flexion
- Shoulder extension
- Shoulder horizontal abduction
- Shoulder horizontal adduction
- Shoulder abduction
- Shoulder adduction
- Shoulder medial rotation
- Shoulder lateral rotation
Upper Limbs
- Upper limb region
- Upper limb
- Elbow
- Elbow flexion
- Elbow extension
- Forearm pronation
- Forearm supination
- Wrist extension
- Wrist flexion
- Wrist abduction
- Wrist adduction
- Hand digits 2-5 extension
- Hand digits 2-5 flexion
- Thumb extension
- Thumb flexion
- Hand digits opposition
- Thorax region
- Thorax and abdomen
- Ribs elevation
- Ribs depression
Spine and Back
- Spine region
- Spine
- Spine flexion
- Spine extension
- Spine lateral flexion
- Spine rotation
- Scapula elevation
- Scapula depression
- Scapula adduction
- Scapula abduction
- Scapula upward rotation
- Scapula downward rotation
- Pelvic region
- Pelvis
- Hip flexion
- Hip extension
- Hip medial rotation
- Hip lateral rotation
- Hip abduction
- Hip adduction
Lower Limbs
- Lower limb region
- Lower limb
- Knee flexion
- Knee extension
- Knee medial rotation
- Knee lateral rotation
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantarflexion
- Foot inversion
- Foot eversion
- Foot digits flexion
- Foot digits extension
Pathology models
Head and Neck
- Cervical spondylosis
- Cervical radiculopathy
- Pinched nerve
- Bulging disc
- Vertebra with osteophytes
- Herniated disc
- Rotator cuff tear
- Partially torn supraspinatus
- Adhesive capsulitis
- Damaged articular capsule
- Labral tear
- Partially torn superior glenoid labrum
- Rotator cuff tendinosis
- Inflamed supraspinatus
Upper Limbs
- Lateral epicondylitis
- Extensor tendon with microtears
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Pinched nerves
- Medial epicondylitis
- Damaged common flexor tendon
- Wrist sprain
- Sprained scaphocapitate ligament
- Partially torn scapholunate ligament
Spine and Back
- Sciatica
- Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Prolapsed intervertebral disc
- Collapsed intervertebral disc
- Vertebra with osteophytes
- Trochanteric bursitis
- Hip labral tear
- Osteoarthritis of the hip
- Total hip replacement
- Inflamed trochanteric bursa
- Torn acetabular labrum
- Degenerated articular cartilage
- Total hip arthroplasty
Lower Limbs
- Knee sprain
- Torn meniscus
- Osteoarthritis of the knee joint
- Partially torn ACL
- Posterior horn tear
- Degenerated articular cartilage
- Achilles tendinosis
- Inflamed Achilles tendon
- Plantar fasciitis
- Plantar fascia with microtears
- Shin splints
- Inflamed tibia
- Tibial stress fracture
- Tibia with stress fractures
- Ankle sprain
- Grade 2 ankle sprain
Muscle actions
Head and Neck
- Mandible elevation
- Mandible depression
- Mandible protraction
- Mandible retraction
- Neck/head flexion
- Neck/head extension
- Neck/head lateral flexion
- Head rotation (ipsilateral)
- Head rotation (contralateral)
- Shoulder flexion
- Shoulder extension
- Shoulder horizontal abduction
- Shoulder horizontal adduction
- Shoulder abduction
- Shoulder adduction
- Shoulder medial rotation
- Shoulder lateral rotation
Upper Limbs
- Elbow flexion
- Elbow extension
- Forearm pronation
- Forearm supination
- Wrist extension
- Wrist flexion
- Wrist abduction
- Wrist adduction
- Hand digits 2-5 extension
- Hand digits 2-5 flexion
- Thumb extension
- Thumb flexion
- Hand digits opposition
- Ribs elevation
- Ribs depression
Spine and Back
- Spine flexion
- Spine extension
- Spine lateral flexion
- Spine rotation
- Scapula elevation
- Scapula depression
- Scapula adduction
- Scapula abduction
- Scapula upward rotation
- Scapula downward rotation
- Hip flexion
- Hip extension
- Hip medial rotation
- Hip lateral rotation
- Hip abduction
- Hip adduction
Lower Limbs
- Knee flexion
- Knee extension
- Knee medial rotation
- Knee lateral rotation
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantarflexion
- Foot inversion
- Foot eversion
- Foot digits flexion
- Foot digits extension
- Shoulder anatomy and function
- Implications of adhesive capsulitis
- Stages of adhesive capsulitis
- Hip anatomy
- Hip biomechanics
- Hip labral tears
- Knee anatomy
- Knee biomechanics
- Osteoarthritis of the knee
- Foot anatomy
- Foot biomechanics
- Plantar fasciitis
- Spine anatomy and function
- Common causes of sciatica (Part 1)
- Common causes of sciatica (Part 2)
- Knee anatomy
- Knee biomechanics
- Torn meniscus
- Hip anatomy
- Hip biomechanics
- Total hip replacement
Head and Neck
- Eye Expression
- Mouth Expression
- Nose Expression
- Scalp Expression
- Extraocular
- Tongue
- Mastication
- Laryngeal
- Neck I
- Neck II
- Head
- Neck and Laryngeal
- Skull
- Teeth
- Laryngeal
- Shoulder Joint
- Shoulder and Arm
Upper Limbs
- Arm
- Anterior Forearm
- Posterior Forearm
- Superficial Hand
- Deep Hand
- Forearm and Hand
- Upper Limb
- Hand
- Anterior Thorax
- Intercostals
- Abdomen
- Thorax
- Thoracic Cage
- Sternum
Spine and Back
- Erector Spinae
- Transversospinalis
- Posterior Thorax
- Back
- Vertebral Column
- Hip
- Inner Hip
- Pelvic Floor (M)
- Pelvic Floor (F)
- Pelvis and Abdomen
- Girdles
Lower Limbs
- Anterior Upper Leg
- Medial Upper Leg
- Posterior Upper Leg
- Lower Leg I
- Lower Leg II
- Foot
- Hip and Upper Leg
- Lower Leg and Foot
- Lower Limb
- Foot