Here you can learn how to use the new tagging feature to add labels in 3D views and AR mode and how to use them as a study tool in Human Anatomy Atlas for Android.
The tags feature adds labels to multiple 3D models.
To tag structures, select a structure and use the tags icon.
Drag the tag to reposition it.
Repeat this to add all the desired tags!
Use the x inside the tag to delete it.
The tags are 3D. Rotate the model and the tag repositions. If the structure tagged is not viewable, the tag appears faded.
Select a tag and the 3D model selects.
The tags have all the same features when viewed in augmented reality.
To create a flashcard for study or a view for a quiz, go to the settings menu and select the option to remove the structure names from the tags.
Select "clear all tags" to return to a view with just the 3D model.