2.03.037 (February 23, 2024)
New subscription extension feature!
Customers no longer need to wait until the expiration date of their subscription to enter an activation code that renews the subscription. Use the new "Subscription" option in the Settings menu to add a new activation code. This can be done before the active subscription's expiration date.
2.03.031(December 14, 2023)
This release of Visible Body + for zSpace includes support for a number of languages, more features and more content:
- In the settings menu select which language to display. Options include: English, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish
- Updated to Unity zCore 6.3 plug-in
- An enhancement to the right stylus button scales the model to better display within the comfort zone while appearing larger on screen
- This version now includes Search so that students and instructors can add or locate anatomy through Search in addition to browsing.
- New content includes: 25 more Microanatomy models, Muscle Details, Bony Landmarks, Dermatomes, Dental Landmarks, and Cerebral Landmarks
2.02 (September 21, 2023)
Visible Body + for zSpace now includes even more muscle content, micro anatomy, and new dissectible animals:
- 58 muscle actions
- Micro anatomy of the senses: eye, ear, tongue
- New dissectible invertebrates and vertebrates: sea star, earthworm, pig, and frog
2.0 (October 27, 2022)
Visible Biology is now Visible Body+! Visible Body+ for zSpace includes hundreds of dissectible 3D model sets that immerse students in biology, anatomy, and physiology.
- Easily switch between Biology and Human Anatomy content.
- You can see a list of all the Human Anatomy content here.
- You can see a list of all the Biology content here.
1.0 (July 7, 2022)
Introducing Visible Biology! Learn and teach biology in immersive 3D. Use simple controls to engage with interactive simulations. Study 3D models from multiple perspectives.
- Now, you can navigate through 3D simulation models.
- Explore units containing biological systems and functionality, including cells, plant structure, photosynthesis, and DNA structure.
- Learned something new? Apply what you learned by completing lab activities and dissection quizzes in Courseware.